Ford Stokes & Sam Davis share details about some of the best investment tools available today for protecting your retirement income and dealing with inflation. Plus, we welcome Bonnie Dobbs to the show for an interview about changes impacting Medicare recipients beginning in 2025 – don’t miss this important information ahead of the annual enrollment period.

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Welcome to Retirement Results! Each week, Ford Stokes and his team of fiduciary advisors help educate pre-retirees, retirees and business owners on ways to better protect and grow their hard-earned money.

With $34 Trillion in national debt and counting, Ford and many other economists believe that taxes are likely to increase in the future, affecting retirees for decades to come. Ford and his team will help you build a smart plan that is TAX-efficient, FEE-efficient and MARKET-efficient.

final countdown

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Any examples used are for illustrative purposes only, and do not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and may not be suitable for all investors. It is not intended to predict the performance of any specific investment, and is not a solicitation or recommendation of any investment strategy.

Welcome to Retirement Results, the national radio show and podcast for listeners like you who want to protect and grow their hard earned money. In a world filled with so much uncertainty and financial risk, we seek to cut through the noise and build successful plans for hard working Americans on their road to financial freedom. Retirement results is powered by Active Wealth Management, a team of fiduciary advisors who always place your needs first. And now your host. He's a registered social security analyst, member of the Forbes Finance Council, and author of multiple books on retirement planning. Here's is your chief financial adviser, Ford Stokes.

Welcome to retirement results on Ford Stokes, your chief financial advisor. I've got Sam Davis here with me on the mic. He's our co-host and also senior financial advisor. Sam, say hello to everybody.

Welcome to the weekend result drivers. And welcome back to retirement results. Ford I'm really excited about this week's show. We're just so passionate about sharing the information that all of the pre-retirees, the retirees, the seniors here in America, all that information they need to know with both smart, safe investing and as we approach the annual enrollment period, we have a special guest today, Ford. Yeah, it's.

Great to have Bonnie Dobbs with us in segment two. She's going to join us in segment two to talk about the annual enrollment period for Medicare. There's two major changes you're going to want to hear about. One of them is shocking, actually. Um, and so I really and it's not necessarily a tease, but it is a tease. I guess I just really would rather Bonnie tell you about the changes I. We're going to break news here today on retirement results for all of you folks. And listen, if you're over 65 years old, you're going to want to hear to the segment two for sure. So today's show we're going to talk about how to protect and grow the retirement income portion of your portfolio, how to implement a bond replacement strategy. And we're going to obviously talk at length for an entire segment about Medicare and the changes that are going on with the annual enrollment period with Medicare and what's going on for 2025 with Medicare. You really need to hear this as a as a retiree or pre-retiree. Also, if you're 61, 62, 63 years old, you really need to start planning for Medicare now. And I would encourage you to reach out to us at retirement. Com we'll put you in touch with Bonnie Dobbs, who's one of our Medicare partners. She's actually licensed in all the states in which the retirement results airs.

So if you're in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, The New England states, Tennessee, Georgia, even Florida. I would encourage you to go and reach out to us at (888) 814-0304. That's 1-888-814-0304. We'll get started right away, helping you with your Medicare planning, but also helping you with your financial planning to your 95th birthday to help you build that successful retirement. We're going to help you get more tax efficient, more fee efficient, and more market efficient with your portfolio. That's what we do here, folks. We're here to help you. So, Sam, today we're going to talk about three specific products and how to really build that retirement income. You're going to talk about the nationwide peak ten. We're going to do that second. But first let's go ahead and let's talk about this North American Charter Plus product. When you're implementing a bond replacement strategy, what you do is a 60 over 40 portfolio 60% stocks and 40% bonds. You want to take the bond portion of portion, that 40% that is in bonds and move it to a fixed index annuity. That's the new 60 over 40 portfolio actually out there. One of the products you ought to consider for that 40%, or a portion of that 40%, is the North American charter plus 14. You get a 13% immediate bonus that vests over the life of the product.

You also can get up to 140% participation in the Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global Index. That's on a two year point to point participation rate, what we would call a two year protection period. And then with a one year, you can get up to 95% on how that Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global Index does. And we're going to break out a really great new strategy here. It's what we're calling our stair step method. So if you take a one year participation rate and a one year point to point, what we call a protection period, so one year protection period for 50% of your assets within this North American Charter Plus 14 product, and then you do 50% in the two year protection period. And then at the end of year one, you then reinvest into another two year protection period. You then are able to build compounding interest every single year for at least 50% of your assets or premium that you invest into the product. And so your principal and your gains continue to grow at compounded interest. One of the ways that annuity companies really can wow you is with really high participation rates like this, 140% of the Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global Index. Sam's going to talk to you about the nationwide P ten. It's got a much higher PA rate in their index.

But I will just share this. Wouldn't it be great if you get compound interest growth every single year. And so our stair step method allows you to do that. A lot of advisors don't have this strategy. They don't implement it. They just want to write the business and move on. We take the extra special time to care about you as a client and really try to invest in unique strategies to get you more money and more growth over time, where your principal and your gains are protected. So what I encourage you to do is reach out to us at retirement click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner or visit us at Retirement That's retirement Also you can call us at 1-888-814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. And you can ask us about our stair step method with fixed index annuities and how to maximize your bond replacement strategy and maximize that retirement income plan. I mean, Sam, you've done this with clients. I've done this with clients. They're really happy about the stair step method. And also this North American product is something else. When you're looking at, you know, a 13% immediate bonus that vests over time with 140% participation rate. And that's going into the account value, not just the income value. So that's really helpful for clients.

Yeah, I mean, anytime you can enjoy a 13% return in one day is going to be a pretty good day for the client and a good day for us because it's it's always such a good feeling to see that sense of relief. And when the the client knows that, hey, they've won the race, I've made it to retirement and now I know I'm going to get through retirement. And I think that's an important thing for all the listeners out there to understand this weekend. Is that the approach you took and the strategies you used to save up the money and get to retirement, those aren't the same strategies and tools you should be using to get through retirement. Now that you've got this big nest egg, you've got that one check to last the rest of your life, and you've got more to lose than ever before. And people come in and see us, Ford, and say, hey, you know Sam Ford, you know, investing in the stock market, you know, going heavy into stocks and bonds. That's what got me this money. And that's what I want to continue to do. But if we can do some careful planning for your retirement, figure out what your income needs are going to be.

We can make sure that income portion of your retirement plan is going to be handled, and then you can let the rest of your money grow and we can continue to invest it. You know, it's just important to understand that you need that balance, especially as you enter retirement. And another great tool for that is something that nationwide has been offering for well over a year now. There's only 1% of financial advisors that offer this one. And this one's called the nationwide Peak ten. And the peak ten gives you a 20% bonus to the income value of the account. You also get some great benefits if you can do this before retirement. You know, talking to you know, we'll be talking to Bonnie and she's for sure going to talk about the the two year Medicare lookback and how it's important to plan for Medicare actually, before you get to Medicare. The same is true when it comes to income planning for retirement, because if you can have some time to defer and let that income account value grow, that's going to pay real dividends once you start taking that income in retirement.

Both North American and Nationwide are A+ rated carriers by a m Best and Standard and Poor's. So therefore that's the highest rating you can get. So therefore you're going to get a really good understanding that they can pay your money back over time. So what we're talking about. What does this mean to you as an investor. Number one is you're going to be able to get growth on your money without market risk. Number two is you're going to be able to get a higher withdrawal rate than the typical 4% withdrawal rate. So therefore you're going to be able to enjoy retirement more. And number three is our goal is to have an interest growth rate and annual interest growth rate that is higher than the withdrawal rate. So therefore your principal grows over time and you don't draw down the account value to zero where you just keep getting your income. That way you actually have money that your heirs can inherit as well. And when you have account value that continues to grow, it gives you more flexibility in retirement as well. If you're going to protect that retirement income portion of your portfolio, let's say 40% of your portfolio, why wouldn't you do it where you have a zero market risk?

Yeah. And you'll see people who come into the office to meet with us. Or maybe they meet with us online or on a phone call, and they just, you know, they tell us that they don't want to lose their money. They don't want to take that risk. So what they've been doing in, in some cases is just laddering these bank CDs. And every time their bank CD matures, they put it right back into a new one. Well, you can actually get much better rates of return and keep that principal protection that you enjoy from the bank. Cd I'm glad you mentioned the a ratings of of these carriers forward, because the difference between working with an insurance company with your retirement and working with the bank with the insurance company, you're going to have a 100% reserve requirement. While, as we all know, banks use fractional lending, they're only going to keep about 10% of your cash in reserves, if that, and they're going to lend out the rest of the money in their coffers to other clients. And so that's why we tend to encourage clients to utilize insurance solutions for the safe money portion. And so this is just a great strategy for people to consider forward. Um, we're going to have the interview with Bonnie Dobbs coming up here in a few minutes. And then we're going to talk about more of this stuff here later in the show.

Yeah, it's going to be great stuff. You're going to want to come back and listen to this Medicare interview with Bonnie Dobbs, with Medicare and other red tape. She works in all the states in which, um, this radio show can reach you. So I would encourage you to reach out to us at (888) 814-0304. We'll be right back for this important interview with Bonnie Dobbs and Medicare and other red tape about what's going on this year with with the annual enrollment period with Medicare. Come right back.

To learn more and schedule your complimentary retirement consultation. Visit Retirement or call us at (770) 685-1777. You're listening to retirement results. And now back to the show.

And welcome back to retirement results. I'm Ford Stokes, your chief financial advisor. I've got Sam Davis here with us. But we are super honored and privileged to have Bonnie Dobbs with Medicare and other red tape. She actually sits on the Council for aging with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She's also written an article that's going to come out in the Atlanta Journal Constitution this Sunday regarding Medicare. First of all, Bonnie Dobbs, welcome back to retirement results.

Thank you. And thank you, Ford, for having me on today.

Oh, you bet so, Mani, we love you. You're a client of active wealth management. You're one of my clients. We're thrilled to have you. We've also been so great. We've. We've partnered with you now for over four years. Yeah, with Medicare and other red tape. You're also licensed in multiple states. We are now airing in eight states on 21 radio stations. So we want to do everything we can to make sure that we get everybody educated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia, you name it, the New England states. We want to make sure everybody understands what's going on with Medicare right now. And there's two really big changes. We were talking to the break that you wanted to make sure you shared with our radio listeners, if you could share the two changes regarding the annual enrollment period with Medicare that so many people need to know about this year?

Yes. So the first thing Is the part d the drug plans. Okay, I'll tell you the good news first, and then I'll tell you the bad news second. Okay. Um, so we'll go over the good and the bad and the ugly. So the good news is, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, the most you'll pay out of pocket for 2025 is $2,000. Okay. This year, you could pay up to $8,000. So paying $2,000 max out of pocket next year. That is like music to some people's ears, because in the past, medications just cost so much money that it just burns a hole in your wallet. So that is the good news. Okay. The other thing about drug plans is every year in the past, when you go get your first fill, if you have a tier three, 4 or 5, you usually have a nasty SD deductible this year, that deductible is 545. Next year, that deductible is going up to $590. Okay. Instead of having to pay the deductible or the full cost of your drug till you meet the deductible before you start paying your tear cost, and it's starting in 2025, they're going to allow you to make monthly payments. So what that's going to look like is they will add up your premiums, your deductibles, your co-pays, the total divide it by 12.

And then it will be so much easier to make a monthly payment spread over the year, rather than the first time you go get your fill. You have to pay that $590 deductible. Okay. So that's all really good news. Okay. So $2,000 maximum out of pocket. You can go on a monthly payment plan spread over 12 months. Now, not everybody's going to hear this and know this information in January. So you can start monthly payments any month that you wish. Okay. So all of that is really good news. I'm happy about that. Now let's talk about the not so good news. So remember I said this year you could pay up to $8,000 out of pocket for your meds and they're going down to $2,000 next year, maximum out of pocket. So somebody somewhere is going to get cut short or something's going to have to go up drastically. So what they've done is, of course, some of the planned premiums are going to increase. So some of the formularies, the medications co-pay may increase. But the big thing and this is going to blow your mind. Agents can no longer write drug plans.


And now the.

Agents tough on the person on the actual individual client. Oh.

This this is going to create a nightmare. So we don't even have access to all the drug plans to write. You can't do.

Part. You don't do part D plans anymore.

Bonnie, starting. Starting now for 2025. Agents do not have access to all the plans that are available. These insurance companies are taking them in house, so you're going to have to go to and find out which plans and enroll yourself. That is such a huge, huge undertaking because we're talking about a population that some people just didn't catch on to the tech because they were they were too old whenever, you know, uh, Facebook and emails and people really started using computers. So some people don't have a computer, they don't have an email, they don't even even if they had a computer, they don't know how to navigate it. They don't even know how to get to So I feel sorry for people who are in nursing homes. I feel sorry for people that are just old enough that they kind of missed that technology. Yeah, that the entrance to to like basic technology this is going to cause a nightmare for the federal government. I don't know how they expect this to work.

Yeah. So, Bonnie, quick question. Because this is shocking news, and it's the first time I've heard this so that we've heard it here on the retirement results show. And I'm so glad to have you here to help us wade through this. So quick question. If somebody already has a Medicare Part D plan from last year or two years ago, their plan will continue. Is that right?

Yes. So every year. And I'm glad you brought that up. By the way, every year during the month of September, you get something in the mail called annual notice of coverage. Excuse me, annual notice of changes. Okay. And so what that does is it compares the plan that you're currently own with what the plan is going to look like next year. If you don't change plans. And what it does is it goes down line item by line item starting at the premium if there is one deductibles copays and you know and so you can see firsthand what next year is going to look like. So if you do nothing okay, if you do nothing, your plan will just roll over. Okay. Now, many of the people that I put on plans, they're usually good for 2 or 3 years. If they if their needs don't change, if their medications don't change, if they don't move. Okay. There's lots of situations that are going to arise when you have to change plans. But if you got your annual notice of coverage and you're good to go with that and your your, um, prices are not going to increase or your deductibles or copays aren't going to increase so much or your monthly premium, then do nothing and you can just stay on your plan. But for all of those that are there, like I was, I did a seminar yesterday and there was this lady telling me she's had a zero co-pay, and now it's going up to $82 a month. So people like that need to check out their options. And so they're going to have to go. They've turned a part D plan into a do it yourselfer a Dio. So, um, it's it's going to cause a nightmare. And agents we are extremely unhappy because out of everything, the drug plans every year are the most complicated things to research and to find out. I mean, I have enrolled with, uh, professors at colleges, and they tell me I've made charts and graphs, and I can't understand anything about this part day. So, I mean, I'm very sad that this is happening to seniors in America.

I totally get that. The other thing that's, you know, obviously for people, if you go into let's say you stay in a drug plan for five, seven, ten years and all of a sudden the the aging population within your drug plan keeps getting older and there's more utilization, the cost of your drug plan is going to go up. And so you really do need to move, um, every couple of years to your point. And that's a real concern for people that have been around a long time that have been in a drug plan. And so they're going to be paying more for their drug plans than they really should. Number two, it's another concern that I have is for people that are 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 years old, and they're just dealing with drug plans for the very first time as they're as they're getting ready to plan for Medicare or they are enrolling in Medicare, that's an even bigger concern because you've never done it before. And so they've got to go to based on what you're saying and figure it out themselves. You're listening to retirement results here on the John Fredericks Radio Network and Am 920 the answer? We're going to talk more about Medicare's annual enrollment period. Two major changes that are happening with Bonnie Dobbs and Medicare and other red tape. You don't want to miss this last question. Come right back for this important information regarding Medicare.

Learn more at Retirement results. Com or by calling us today at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777.

We've got a wife and kids in Baltimore, Jack. I went out for a ride, and I.

Hi, this is Matt McClure, senior financial advisor with retirement results. You've saved your whole life so you wouldn't have to worry about your money when you retired. But you worry more now than ever. You've been a good saver. You have 500,000, maybe $1 million or even more. You should feel confident, but you don't. You're worried a big loss will wipe you out. You saved so you could spend during retirement, but you don't. You're worried you'll run out of money. You want to retire, but you don't. You're worried you don't have enough. Does any of this sound familiar? Well, it should, because we hear these things all the time from people just like you who are preparing for retirement or even already retired. So why do you worry so much? It's because you don't have an actual plan in writing. Nothing to guide you through retirement. Retirement helps people just like you. You'll get a free, customized written retirement plan. That's right, free and no obligation. Schedule your meeting now at retirement That's retirement

Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management LLC, a registered investment advisor. While Washington's spending keeps growing, your retirement doesn't have to shrink, protect, and grow your hard earned money today by calling us at (770) 685-1777. That's 851777 to connect with a qualified advisor.

What do people need to do to plan and to get started with Medicare? What? When should they talk to their financial advisor to get going with that? And the next thing is, how do people get in touch with you?

Well, there's another thing that's going on with with Medicare we didn't get we didn't go over. So let me go over that really quick and then I'll I'll answer your question on that. So for all the people that are that are on Medicare Advantage plans, many of the companies are exiting the current plans that they have. So all of these people, if your plan is going to be terminated at the end of the year, you're going to have to you're going to have to enroll in a new plan. So during annual enrollment, that is your time to, um, compare all the other plans and change, because with your advantage plan, it won't just roll over if you have received a termination letter. Okay. So that's important for people who are on Medicare Advantage plans. Many of them are being terminated. And then to answer your question, people that are soon going to become Medicare eligible in the next few years, they really need to talk to their financial advisor because there's something called Irma, and Irma is income related monthly adjustment amount. And so if you make up to a certain level of income, you will pay the what the average American does for their part B and part D, but if you exceed those thresholds and I'm happy when people do, that means they are successful. They have planned for their retirement. You will have to pay more. So working with a financial advisor that you can they can allocate money in different ways. So you're not showing all of this income to reduce your your Irma cost each year. So it's really important that they talk to you or talk to their financial advisor about that. And you have to plan this several years in advance because there's always a two year look back. Well, you want to start talking to somebody before that two years because you've got to get yourself positioned correctly so you don't have to pay that additional.

Gotcha. So, Bonnie, can you just share how people can get in touch with you? Because, listen, I, I learned the Dewey Decimal System a long time ago, but I'd much rather ask the librarian. So how do they get in touch with you to navigate all this stuff?

They can call me at (770) 373-7541. You can go to my website and also send a request and we can contact you and your your.

Website is Medicare and other red Is that correct.

That is correct.

So Medicare and other red folks Make sure you check that out. Reach out to Bonnie Dobbs. Also, check out her new article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on on Sunday. And she we're also going to put the link to that article, the larger, longer article, um, on this podcast so you can go to retirement results. Com go to the episode section. You'll see all of that. And we're going to share it on social media. And I think Bonnie's going to share it on her social media as well. Yes. Bonnie Dobbs, thanks so much for being with us here on retirement results. We love you. It's great to have you here helping us navigate these new big changes with Medicare. Wow, what a big change that agents are no longer able to do. Medicare Part D drug plans. That is something unbelievable. We broke news here folks on retirement results. And Bonnie, it's just great to have you with us. I appreciate you being on the show.

Thank you Ford, I love you and thank you for all you do for all of your clients. You you help save us money also and you help us enjoy our retirement. So have a great day and thanks again guys. You too.

Bonnie. All the best. Just a big thanks to Bonnie Dobbs for giving us incredible information and breaking news here on the retirement results show that now Medicare Part D drug plans are now only offered through, and agents aren't allowed to sell Medicare drug plans anymore. That is a shocking revelation. So they can't get agents helping you get your drugs on formulary, making sure that you know you're in network with your pharmacy and all that stuff for for your pharmaceutical drug needs. That is a remarkable change. And, um, wow, that is something else. Next, I want to talk about this third product that we were going to talk about, three products. We've already talked about the North American product a little bit. We've talked about the nationwide product a little bit. We're talking about how to replace bonds in your portfolio so you can get your retirement income portion of your portfolio taken care of. And what I would like you to do is to really open up your mind to make sure you can understand this next product, because this this next product is a really attractive product. It's from a company called A Speed Up. And they're a minus rated by Am best and also by Standard and Poor's. They've got a product called the Synergy Choice bonus. It's a single premium deferred fixed indexed annuity. So all these products, whether it's the nationwide or the North American or the Speedo product, all three are built on a chassis where they invest 100% of the dollars that you give them into the ten year US Treasury. And the ten year US Treasury is at a pretty high rate.

It's historically much higher than it's been throughout most of my career, because the interest rates went up over the last several years, But obviously the fed cut federal interest rates by 50 basis points, or half a point this past month. And so that's great. Reduce the rates for everybody kind of help the markets grow. But that does hurt annuity rates because it hurts the yield on the ten year US Treasury. But these rates are still historically high. And I'll give you an idea on this. So Expedia actually offers an Invesco Qxk is one of the most highest performing growth indexes, which has a lot of Nasdaq 100 stocks in it. It's got a lot of biotech, a lot of tech. It's definitely really heavy on growth stocks. They're giving you 90%. If you invest over $100,000 into this product, they're giving you 90% of the growth of the Q-q-q without any financial market risk. That's extremely attractive. They're going to keep 10%. They're going to give you 90%, but they're going to take all the risk on it. So what they're going to do is invest in the ten year US Treasury, and they're going to take the interest that's generated, and they're going to buy options in the Invesco Q-q-q Growth Index with a two year point to point protection period. And the par rate is, again, like I said, 90%. That is remarkable to get 90% of the growth on an index that, you know, Sam and I love. That's a pretty good stop. I mean, Sam, your thoughts on just offering that two year point to point with the Q-q-q?

Yeah, with that those point to point protection periods, what you end up is you end up transforming your portfolio from that stock market rollercoaster where you've certainly got the ups and you've certainly got the downs, and you're never sure which direction it's going to go or when. It's just a lot like a roller coaster ride. The stair step method is really a much smoother ride. It makes the income planning process so much easier. It gives the pre-retirees and retirees who are planning for their financial future so much more peace of mind, knowing that they're not going to go backwards and they're going to enjoy that smoother ride. And, you know, the investment options that some of these products are offering for. You can still continue to participate in the gains of the stock market while maintaining that principal protection, which is what people want as they want to enter retirement and take some risk off the table. Yeah.

For sure. I mean, I'm a huge fan of this product and I love and I'm a huge fan of that index. And so that's something to consider. And again we would do the stair step method with this as well. And we would offer um a one year strategy for 50% and a two year on this Invesco Q-q-q. That would be a pretty significant situation. Um, I would love to do that because then at the end of year one, you can then move back into a two year product, but you've got a two year that started at year zero and one that started at year one. So every year you're getting compounded growth on every single year on 50% of your assets. I mean, Sam, your thoughts on the stair step method using this SPDR product, especially with Invesco Q-q-q. I think it's really attractive. Yeah.

I mean, I would say to anybody out there who's, you know, just stepping into retirement or they know that retirement is a few years away for them. Give us a call, come in and see us. You really owe it to yourself to see how this strategy could fit into your portfolio, because you've done a great job saving. We know you worked hard for that money, but you worked even harder to save it. So, you know, just like what Warren Buffett says, rule number one don't lose the money. Rule number two, don't forget rule number one. And this is something that really helps you accomplish that goal. As you step into retirement and with the income portion of your portfolio protected, you can continue to take the risk if that's something that you want to continue to do. You know, Ford, when you and I sit across the table from people, meet with people, and we're drawing up these plans, we figure out what retirement looks like for them. We, you know, come up with an analysis of what that budget is going to be like in retirement. And then we build a plan that helps them reach that goal. And when we come back from the break Ford, we actually we've got a lot of news that we're talking about this week. But we have an article we want to share some news about what some of the other financial firms out there are doing, actually charging for plans. That's not the approach we take here at retirement results. We're all about informing and education, and we definitely want you to come back and hear about this article.

Yeah, I think it's going to be great stuff. It's we're happy to offer free financial plans. Your 95th birthday, which includes a portfolio analysis. Um, also our Social Security maximization report, retirement income gap analysis and a financial plan. Your 95th birthday. We're here to give you all those things. It's a $1,500 value at no cost to you. I would encourage you to just go ahead and reach out to us at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. Or visit retirement

Thanks for listening to retirement results. Schedule your complimentary financial consultation now at retirement results. Com or by calling toll free at (888) 814-0304.

Beside a man. You don't know what he wants.

Fixed annuities, including multiyear guaranteed rate annuities, are not designed for short term investments and may be subject to restrictions, fees and surrender charges as described in the Annuity contract guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims paying ability of the issuer.

Miss part of today show retirement results is available wherever you listen to podcasts and online at retirement

Welcome back to Retirement Results. This segment for this is our last segment of a very action packed, information filled show. Again, I want to just give a shout out to Bonnie Dobbs for breaking news here that, you know, Medicare Part D plans can only be obtained through Um, and you don't get that Medicare agent to help you navigate. That is something that's remarkable. And I don't know, I did. That's just a real concern for me for for clients. Also, if if you're nearing Medicare age at 65 years old, you really need to start looking at it at age 61, 62, 63 because of Medicare surcharges, because they do a two year look back on your income. And I would encourage you just to reach out to us at retirement click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner and we'll help you get started. You can also call us at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. And now let's talk about this advisor hub. Com article that just came out this week on October 1st. Edward Jones is now going to allow advisors to charge for financial planning and expand their SMA program. The Saint Louis based firm is initially allowing a small group of advisors to charge clients as much as $3,600 annually for financial planning services. All 19,000 brokers will be eligible to participate by the end of 2025. That is a remarkable number at $3,600. Listen, it's very important for you to have financial planning.

It's also very important to do annual reviews with your advisors, and I would encourage you to go ahead and reach out to us if you want a free financial plan that for us, we see a lot of people charge 1500 to $2000. Now, Edward Jones is it's been published that they're willing to charge up to $3,600 for an annual financial plan. That's remarkable. That's a lot of money that okay, now we're getting into fee for services versus just advisory and portfolio fees as taxes are going up and inflation is going up, you've got these wirehouses and large brokerage houses that are now looking for more ways to make more money from you as an investor. We don't think that's the right way to go. We think it's better to act as a fiduciary and put your needs ahead of our own, and to do everything we can to help you protect and grow your hard earned money, and also give you that results in advance. Retirement plan so you know what you're doing and you can follow it year over year. One of the things that's really unique about our plan, Sam, is we'll give people an entire plan with a grade of 0 to 100% on how likely it is that they're not going to run out of money by the time they're 95 years old. But we also give them their retirement really in two pages so they can look at it year over year. What's their effective tax rates? What's their actual estimated annual growth rate? What is the what's the drawdown or the withdrawal rate that they would have out of the portfolio.

And then also we can implement strategic Roth ladder conversions. They can see if they're taking out 150, $200,000 out of $1 million plus IRA. They can see which years those those withdrawals come out. What's the taxes that are paid on that? What's the effective tax rate? And then also later in life, how does that tax rate improve over time. Because they implemented the Roth ladder conversion. They're not just taking the withdrawals out of their IRA. They're now taking withdrawals out of out of their Roth IRA, which are tax free. And we do all that absolutely at no cost. So if you've got questions about your retirement and you want to do more and you feel like you need to do more, I would encourage you to reach out to us at retirement That's retirement or just go to retirement and click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner. We're happy to get started with you. Sam, your thoughts on Edward Jones looking to charge up to 3,600 USD for financial planning that we do for free, and then also how important it is to actually get a financial plan to really get that bedrock and really understand that you're building your house on bedrock and not on sand for your retirement. Yeah.

Well, first, it's just really disappointing when I see big companies like this that start raising their fees simply because they know people will pay it and it just feels like everywhere we go we're getting up charged, whether it be inflation or new fees that these big companies are adding. And it's just really disappointing to see, especially when it's affecting pre-retirees and retirees disproportionately. Um, with that being said, you know, financial planning is something worth paying for, but you don't have to, you know, when you work with an independent firm and you work with fiduciaries like here at Retirement Results and Active wealth management, you can get that first opinion if you're just getting started, or you can get that second opinion at no cost just to see, you know, how maybe our stair step strategy that we've discussed today, or some of the other things we do with tactical asset allocation may work better for you and your portfolio. And at the end of the day, you know, we're here to help you make more informed financial decisions. And if you're on the right track, you know, we'll tell you. And if there's something that we can do to help you reduce that risk, reduce fees or reduce taxes. We're absolutely going to help you implement that into your plan because it's your money. We don't want to see, you know, you paying $3,000 or more in fees for financial planning. We want you to keep that in your pocket and let it go towards your future retirement.

Yeah, absolutely. Let's just do everything we can to protect and grow your money. Because guess what? It is your money. It's not my money. It's. It's not Edward Jones's money. We want to do everything we can to protect and grow your hard earned and hard saved wealth. And that starts with providing free financial planning on the front end so you can make an informed financial decision. It's the final.

Countdown. So let's recap what you may have missed. It's the final countdown. The final.

Countdown. So this week's show was just chock full of a lot of information. I just wanted to just off the off the jump. I just want to, again, thank Bonnie Dobbs for showing up and giving us great information about what's going on with Medicare. There's two big changes, but one of them being that Medicare Part D can only be gotten by visiting And you have to navigate your own drug plans, which I think is ridiculous, but it's something right now, agents are not going to be able to help you in 2025 with your Medicare Part D plans, so you need to go ahead and check out to get going on that. We also talked about a bond replacement strategy today by replacing the bonds, which 40% of your portfolio, the retirement income portion of your portfolio, if you will, with fixed indexed annuities. We also detailed three different fixed index annuities, two A+ rated products, and one A-minus rated product. Um, nationwide, the nationwide P ten is offering a 290% participation rate and a 20% immediate bonus into the income account. That's extremely attractive if that index goes up 29, If that index goes up as an example, 10%, you're looking at a 29% growth on your money over a two year period, less a 1%, um, spread rate. And so at 28%, that's incredible for a two year period. And then next we had the North American Charter Plus 14 product. That was really fantastic. It's offering a 13% bonus. Uh, it's also offering an incredible 140% on the Morgan Stanley Dynamic Global Index as a participation rate, and then the SPDR product offering a 50% immediate premium bonus, and then also, um, offering the Invesco Q-q-q at 90%, which is a really successful index.

That's a pretty attractive situation to get 90% of the growth on the Q-q-q without any financial market risk. That's a mouthful. We've given you a lot of great information today. I would encourage you to go to reach out to us at retirement That's retirement. Click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner, or you can just visit retirement Again that's retirement results. Com retirement results as a radio show is powered by active wealth management. And the really great sharp advisors at Active Wealth. And Sam and I are two of those advisors. And we're happy to bring that to you. Also, we always appreciate the incredible reports that come in from Matt McClure, our roving reporter, and we just ran out of time this show. But you but Matt's got a great report that we're going to air next week. Um, be sure to tune into that for next week. Also, we're here to protect your hard earned and hard saved money. If you're looking for information about your retirement planning and you want to get a free financial plan, I would encourage you to reach out to us at retired results. Com and remember, if you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Try to seek as much information as you can so you can protect that hard earned and hard saved money of yours. We're here to help you have a successful retirement. Have a great week, everybody.

Thanks for listening to retirement results. You deserve to work with an independent team of fiduciary advisors that will strategically work to protect and grow your hard earned assets. To schedule your complimentary financial consultation, call us now at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777. To connect with a qualified advisor. To learn more about our mission and our team, visit retirement Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management, LLC, a registered investment advisor and Active wealth Management are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCM, but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Past performance cannot be used as an indicator to determine future results. Registered investment advisors and investment advisor representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interest of our clients and to make full disclosure of any conflicts of interest, if any, exist. Please refer to our firm brochure, the ADV Two-a, page four, for additional information.

And. Any bonuses mentioned may be subject to additional restrictions and regulations based on the offering. Annuity company you may not receive the bonuses if the contract is fully surrendered, or if traditional annuity payments are taken, and if the policy is partially surrendered, it could result in a partial loss of bonuses. Because these are bonus annuities, they may include higher surrender charges, longer surrender charge periods, lower caps, higher spreads, or other restrictions that are not included in similar annuities that don't offer a bonus feature.

At Active Wealth Management, we know you've worked hard for your money and you've worked even harder to save it. When it comes to wealth management and planning for retirement, Ford Stokes of Retirement Results is passionate about helping people protect and grow their wealth while educating them on all their options so they can choose what's right for them. Visit retirement to schedule your no obligation consultation today. It's a $1,500 value provided at no cost to you. Book yours now at retirement

Registered investment advisors and investment advisor representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interests of our clients and to make full disclosures of any conflicts of interest. Refer to our firm brochure, the ADV Two-a, page four for additional information. Any comments regarding safe and secure products and guaranteed income streams refer only to fixed insurance products. They do not refer in any way to securities or investment advisory products. Fixed insurance and annuity product guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing company and are not offered by BWA.

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