On this week’s episode, Ford shares some key inflation data that was recently released before welcoming Vertical Vision’s Josh Lumme to discuss the best bank cd alternatives and personal pension solutions for your retirement plan. 

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Welcome to Retirement Results, the national radio show and podcast for listeners like you who want to protect and grow their hard earned money. In a world filled with so much uncertainty and financial risk, we seek to cut through the noise and build successful plans for hard working Americans on their road to financial freedom. Retirement results is powered by Active Wealth Management, a team of fiduciary advisors who always place your needs first and now your host. He's a registered social security analyst, member of the Forbes Finance Council, an author of multiple books on retirement planning. Here's your chief financial advisor, Ford Stokes.

And welcome to the retirement results result drivers. I'm Ford Stokes, your chief financial advisor. And I've got Sam Davis here with us, our senior financial advisor and co-host on the show. Say hello to everybody. Sam.

Welcome to the weekend result drivers. And thank you once again for tuning in to retirement results. We've had some great conversations with some listeners who have called in over the last couple of weeks, and we've got some awesome live events coming up this summer, and we hope to see a lot of you out there as well. It's great to be back on retirement results, and we're here to bring a lot of great information to the people.

Yeah, I'm super excited about today's show. We're going to talk about understanding inflation's impact on your retirement. They came out with a new consumer Pricing index report for the month of April as a look back from May to April, and also a look back from April to March. And not a lot of great news there. And also we're going to talk about how you can safeguard your savings for a secure future right here on retirement results. We're excited you're with us. It's going to be an important show today, and we want to just say thank you to all the result drivers out there. Thanks so much for helping us become the number one listened to show on Am 920. The answer on the weekends here in Atlanta, and also for helping us grow quite a bit in a short period of time in Huntsville, Alabama. And we also want to give a shout out to all of our viewers in Huntsville, on the Fox station in Huntsville, and also in Columbus, Georgia. And we're super excited, Sam, to announce that the retirement results television show is now going to air in Panama City. Dustin. So all of you people that are going down there to the panhandle of Florida this summer and trying to soak up the rays and enjoy the beach and fish a little bit, maybe play some golf, play some tennis down there and eat some great seafood.

Um, be sure to tune in at 10 a.m. on Sundays on Fox 28, in Panama City. Destin, uh, to the retirement results show. I think you'll be glad you did. We're so super excited to be growing the television show so fast. And thanks again to Fox 28 down there in Panama City for noticing the show and wanting to pick up the show down there in Panama City. Destin. And we are always looking to add new stations. So if your station if you want to see the retirement results television show on your station, all you've got to do is reach out to your Fox affiliate, or you can go ahead and reach out to us at 1-888-814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. We're happy to take care of that and try to get on the Fox station in your area. But today we're going to talk about again what's going on with inflation.

Your active wealth market update.

So according to BLS, gov, the CPI, the consumer pricing index which is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the US in various geographic areas. The average price data for select utility, automotive, fuel and food items are also available, but the latest numbers for April of 2020 for the Consumer Pricing Index went up 0.3%. It was 0.4% last month, but we're looking at a 3.4% increase in consumer price inflation and CPI for the year of 2024. Now, some people may say, oh, well, that's in check. It really isn't. And and it's so interesting that all of the major media outlets, uh, especially on the liberal side of the media, the New York Times and others are saying, oh, that's really good news. There's an easing of inflation because it was 0.4% March over February. And and it's went to 0.3% in April, over March. But that's still not really good news. It needs to be much flatter, much lower. And also these numbers are still skewed. I mean John Williams with Shadowstats. Com who's a an economist has over 50 years experience. He still is estimating the consumer pricing index is really the way they used to measure it during the Nixon years and before is really running well over 14% year over year.

And it is hurting the purchasing power of hard working and and hard saving Americans out there. And, um, it does impact your retirement. And if you've got questions about how you can deal with inflation, how you can stay invested but still, say, safer with your hard earned and hard saved retirement nest egg, I would encourage you to reach out to us at retirement results. Com slash plan that's retirement results.com/plan. And we're happy to get started on your 41K review your IRA review. And also we're going to give you a free plan to your 95th birthday with your current existing plan. That has nothing to do with us. And then we'll do one with our recommended portfolios to your 95th birthday. I'll give you that financial plan and also will include a strategic Roth ladder conversion at no cost to you, so you can delete the IRS out of being your partner in retirement. All you got to do is reach out to us. Just call the phone number 1-888-814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. We're happy to help you. And you can also just reach out to us at retirement.

Results.com I'm glad you were able to share those latest inflation figures forward, because it's one of the landmines that we like to point out to any pre-retirees or retirees out there listening, because we've seen what inflation has done just over the last five years. And if you're planning to retire sometime this year or sometime in the near future, you're going to be fighting inflation for the next 25, 30 years. And so you need a retirement plan that's not only going to pay you the income you need in retirement, but it's going to be able to help you keep up because especially with things forward, like the health care industry and all the medical needs out there that seniors and retirees have, those costs are increasing at a pace that eclipses what we're seeing just in the general marketplace.

No question about it. It. It's just a real problem. And I want to give you the rest of today's show. And also you've got a very important, uh, financial wisdom quote of the week that relates directly to this. So, um, one, we're going to talk about our inflation demonstration right after the financial wisdom quote of the week, um, how rising prices are making life harder for pre-retirees and retirees. Call us today at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. We explain how you can build multiple income streams in retirement. That is really an important thing because remember, you want your money to outlive you. You don't want to outlive your money, and you don't want to become a burden on your kids or your heirs. And we want to do everything we can to make sure you're not just living off of Social Security, especially with the Old Age Survivors Insurance Trust Fund being scheduled to be depleted by 2033. Um, they did update that this year, and they're saying that it would be a 21% across the board cut, not a 23% across the board cut just because they said wages in some of the payroll tax wages have actually gone up. So previously it had been a 23% across the board cut. Now it's looking like a 21% across the board cut. But if you don't want to have to worry about Social Security and what could that could mean to you if you're going to get a 21% less retirement income benefit starting in 2033, and you want to take control of your retirement income future and really not have to worry about it and build an increasing income stream for you during retirement. I want to encourage you to reach out to us at (888) 814-0304 or visit that important web page. Retirement results.com/plan. That's retirement results. Dot com forward slash plan.

And now Folsom financial wisdom. It's time for the quote of the week.

For this week's quote of the week comes to us from Henry Stuart Hazlett, who was an American journalist who passed away in 1993 at the age of 99. And Hazlitt regularly wrote about business and economics for publications such as The Wall Street Journal. And Hazlitt once said, inflation is a form of tax, a tax that we all must collectively pay. And I think this is a great quote. I think he summed it up just right there. And it's something that we've been facing quite a bit for the last half decade. And like I said, I think we're going to expect this for years to come.

Well, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have said this about inflation. It's a tax that you don't vote on. It's a tax that that they're just making the decision in Washington, D.C. also, Milton Friedman talked about inflation. It only comes from one place, and that's Washington, D.C., in the United States. So again, we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to protect our retirement nest egg from inflation and maintain our purchasing power by staying invested, whether it's tactically managed portfolios, strategically managed portfolios, and also other income sources like fixed indexed annuities, structured notes, bonds, etc., I would encourage you to go ahead and make sure you listen to this next couple of segments, because we're going to talk about some retirement income options for you. We've got Josh Lim with Vertical Vision Financial Marketing. He's going to join us and talk about a couple of different fixed indexed annuity options that for you to consider. We're always trying to give you great options here on retirement results. And with our active wealth management private wealth management firm. Come right back and listen to this incredible interview with Josh Leumi with Vertical Vision Financial Marketing, talking about two important, unique and different types of fixed index annuities and also multi year guaranteed annuities that you can add to your investment quiver there. Come right back.

Money questions? Money answers. You're listening. To retirement results. At Active Wealth Management. We know you've worked hard for your money and you've worked even harder to save it. When it comes to wealth management and planning for retirement, Ford Stokes of Retirement Results is passionate about helping people protect and grow their wealth while educating them on all their options so they can choose what's right for them. Visit retirement Results.com to schedule your no obligation consultation today. It's a $1,500 value provided at no cost to you. Book yours now at retirement Results.com. You're listening to retirement results. And now back to the show.

Welcome back. Result drivers on retirement results I'm Ford Stoker chief financial advisor. We've got Sam Davis here with us as well. And we are always pleased to welcome Josh Lamey with Vertical Vision Financial Marketing. They are a wholesaler of annuities and life insurance products, and they've also got a registered investment advisory firm, and they're a large wholesaler of Medigap supplement insurance and also Medicare Advantage plans as well. Josh, welcome to retirement results. Hey, Ford. How are you doing today? It's good. It's great to have you back. Josh, we're going to end up talking about three different annuity products today. Two fixed indexed annuity products and one multi year guaranteed annuity product. It's always great. Our listeners love hearing about the different options that are available. And it's great to kind of get you to detail it and and really give us that industry knowledge that you've got. So let's start with the first one, what I call Geico. What's the real name of the company? Josh. And talk about that fixed indexed annuity product that's available. It's really more income based for people looking to generate that important income during retirement.

Sure. Yeah, absolutely. I'd be happy to. So that's just an acronym for Guaranty Income Life Insurance Company. And they've come to market with something unique, um, where uh, joint annuity, you know, somebody one that's going to pay joint income for both spouses as long as they can live, actually get the same payout rate that you would get with a single life income. And so just kind of put that in perspective here. Like if you're 75 years old in married, uh, you can get a 9% payout on your initial deposit for the rest of your lives. And so there's a lot of listeners out there that, um, you have CDs and they're living off of that interest. And we're going to talk about a great annuity here, um, after this one that offers that, that yield a 6%. But, you know, there's a risk out there with, um. With interest rates going down. And if you go into a three, five or even ten year annuity in those rates go from 6% to 3%, then you're spending power has gone down. And so, you know, allocating some of that money to a solution like this can be a good hedge against interest rate environment in the future. Um, and like I said, 9% for 75 year old is pretty pretty good rate of return on your income, no.

Question about it. And so many of our listeners are familiar with the 4% rule that we talk about quite a bit here on the program. And the 4% rule basically states, if you don't withdraw more than 4% of your assets from your portfolio each and every year, you likely won't run out of money. So we want to try to minimize the withdrawal rates to 4% or less of our of our overall assets. Now, obviously, you can stack the Social Security income on top of that. Any pension income on top of that, any other ordinary income rental income, things like that. On top of that number, um, to get you to the number you're looking for. But goodness gracious, with Geico, you're looking at 9%. That is more than two x. That's 1% more than two x of that traditional 4% withdrawal rate that most people can generate on their own from their own IRA accounts. Um, that is incredibly attractive. Now, also, there's there's some participation in an index as well with that Geico product. So hopefully you can get some market like gains without market risk. Also there's some fixed options as well. Is that correct?

Yeah that's correct. There's a they have a pretty good annual cap. It's 10.75% on the S&P annually. Um you know which stacks up there pretty high with you know the best in class out there. Plus you're getting top tier payout rates with them. So uh, you also have the option for a 5% premium bonus on top of that. Um, so, you know, all those kind of work together to be able to give you that, that really strong lifetime income and in this case, not just for one spouse but for both. And that's rare.

Well, and it really gives that some of those spouses really gives them some peace of mind. Hey, you know what? My life is going to be insured as well because annuities are really life insurance against living too long. And for to insure both lives for that long is fantastic. Also, what we've seen, Josh, is it, according to the CDC, if both spouses within a married couple lived to be aged 65, there is a likelihood of over 50% that one of them's going to live to be over 90 years old. And a lot of people don't understand that longevity risk and getting some sort of income, especially if they can get a disproportionate amount of income from the income portion of their portfolio, that's a really positive situation. So they don't have to, you know, take out 9 or 10% of the entire portfolio. They can take out 9% of, say, 40 or 50% of their portfolio and really replace the bonds in their portfolio. We like to do bond replacement strategies, Josh, because, you know, if you can just take in the typical 60 over 40 portfolio, 60% stocks and 40% bonds, if you can replace that income portion, which is the bond portion of the portfolio, and replace that with some sort of fixed indexed annuities or multi year guaranteed annuities, that is a really good situation.

So you can generate that income that you're looking for. That's right. Yeah. So again give us the name of the company. And also if people are interested in hearing more about Geico and and also this product, I would encourage you to reach out to us at retirement results.com/plan. That's retirement results.com/plan. Or you can call us at (888) 814-0304 anywhere in the United States. That's (888) 814-0304. We have a lot of listeners in Atlanta, um, in Georgia and in Alabama and from our radio show in Huntsville. And also we're branching out to the panhandle of Florida. But we have listeners in all 50 US states with our podcast weekly, and you can listen to us anytime, wherever you get podcasts, and also check us out at Retirement Results. Com and just click the episodes and you can listen to any of our episodes there. So go ahead and recap. Just this product was the name of the product, the actual payout percentage at 75 years old. And then we'll move on to our next product that we're going to try to feature.

Sure. Yeah. So just to recap, this is the guaranteed income life insurance company wealth choice ten. And you can get that with or without a bonus. Um 10.75% annual cap on the S&P 500. Um, I didn't mention earlier, but the fixed account is five and a quarter per year, so it's pretty pretty strong as well. There's some other indices that, uh, that you have available with that too. Um, and so just looking at payout rates, I'd mentioned at 75 years old to 9% payout. Um, if you're 65 at 7.6, if you're 60 at 6.85. So, um, yeah, it's a little lower. But, uh, you know, when you talk about a 30 year retirement and being able to get that payout rate, um, 30 years or more, getting that payout rate, uh, you're likely going to outpace what the market would have given you, and you're able to take more money out because, you know, like we mentioned earlier, the 4% rule, that's the really the only safe way to go, unless you have the backing of an insurance company that is protecting the against your longevity. Yeah.

I mean, if you can get greater than a 4% withdrawal rate and hopefully outpace or keep somewhat pace with the withdrawal rates, um, with either the fixed account or that, um, 10.75% cap on the S&P 500, what that means is you're you're capped at a 10.75% growth rate for a given in a given year. Um, and a one year protection period. But that's still really attractive to get up to 10.75% with market like gains without any market risk, because with this fixed indexed annuity from guaranteed income life, you're looking at zero as your hero. Because if there's a negative year in the market, like in 2022 or like in 2018, or obviously in 2008, in 1987, and all these other years where there's there were big declines in the market. You would lose $0 of your principal and the gains you've already locked in. So that's a pretty good situation. Josh, when we come back to the break, we're going to talk about a multi year guaranteed annuity that is paying 6%, which is really attractive for a lot of those people that are looking. For the best bank city rates out there, and they're trying to leave their money on the sidelines, and they're seeing diminishing interest rates coming from banks these days, especially the large bricks and mortar banks out there. There's a really great alternative. And also there's some real differences with a multi year guaranteed annuity versus a bank CD. I think you're going to like they're really positive. Come right back after the break. Josh Loomis is with us with Vertical Vision Financial Marketing. And we're going to talk about this special multi year guaranteed annuity product that is paying out 6% per year. Come right back. You're listening to your retirement results.

Schedule your complimentary financial consultation now at retirement results. Com or by calling toll free at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304.

Hey, this is Ford Stokes, host of retirement results and founder and CEO of Active Wealth Management. As a registered social security analyst, I want you to know that municipal bonds contribute to additional taxation on your Social Security income, as well as additional Medicare surcharges. Visit retirement Results.com slash plan or call 1-888-814-0304 to get in touch with us today.

Not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other government agency.

Welcome to Nationwide's Peak ten fixed indexed annuity, designed to help provide guaranteed income for life. Peak ten offers protection against market losses, plus protection for a spouse through a joint option and an immediate 10% penalty free withdrawal. Dial pound 250 and use the keyword retirement results to connect with a qualified advisor. Now, indexed or fixed annuities are not designed for short term investments and may be subject to caps, restrictions, fees and surrender charges as described in the annuity contract. Any bonuses mentioned may be subject to additional restrictions and regulations based on the offering annuity company that may include higher surrender charges, longer surrender charge periods, or lower caps. Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management LLC, a registered investment advisor. Guarantees and protections referenced within are subject to the claims paying ability of Nationwide life and annuity insurance company nationwide. Peak ten is issued by Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. Neither nationwide nor its other entities are associated or affiliated with Brookstone Capital Management, LLC. You're listening to retirement results. And now back to the show.

And welcome back result drivers. This is retirement results. And I've got Sam Davis here with me who's our senior financial advisor and co host. And also my name is Ford Stokes. And I'm the chief financial advisor with Active Wealth Management and also your host of retirement results. And Sam and I are really pleased to have Josh let me come back for a second segment. Josh is a vice president with Vertical Vision Financial Marketing that is a wholesaler of annuity products, and they wholesale billions of dollars of fixed indexed annuities, multi year guaranteed annuities and life insurance as well. Uh, Josh, again, thanks for staying on with us for one more segment. We appreciate it.


You bet man. So this co life insurance company is offering a 6% multi year guaranteed annuity at a fixed rate that is guaranteed by the claims paying ability of co life insurance. And co life insurance is a highly rated carrier by am best and the S&P S&P as well. Um talk a little bit about that product and what it means for clients that are looking to replace those bank CDs and beat the bank CD rates with a higher interest rate.

So we have the CL Sundance, and this is either a three, 5 or 7 year forward. Mentioned the interest rate 6% for the three year term. You have the ability to take withdrawals from this monthly of the interest earned, or you can just let that grow and let that interest grow tax deferred as well.

Need a higher rate of return from your safe money? Listen up. It's time to beat the bank CD rates.

There's a big difference, Josh, between a bank CD from a taxation perspective and a multi year guaranteed annuity. So with the bank CD each year that you get interest credited to the bank CD, you actually get a 1099 and you have to pay taxes on that interest without even if you don't take the money. Right. So you got to take that out of income or out of savings accounts or whatever. Whereas with a multi year guaranteed annuity, unless you take income or you surrender the policy, you do not owe taxes in between each year that you're given that 6% guaranteed interest with this co life product allows you to really get to truly triple compounding interest, which is you're getting interest on your principal, you're getting interest on the gains, and you're getting interest on the actual taxes of the gains that you would have taken. And that allows that multi year guaranteed annuity to perform a lot better than your typical bank CD. And also you don't have to run around trying to find that 3 to 4% rate. With an internet bank you can actually work with a an insurance carrier that is an an annuity carrier that is highly rated by Am best. And the S&P. That's a pretty good situation too. Um, and also they do a 100% financial reserve of the money you give them. They have to invest 100% of your money into, um, the ten year US Treasury bond. And then they take the interest off of that, and then they then will generate your 6% a year. So, um, that way there's no default on your investment. So annuities are regulated by the states, Josh. And they have to balance their budgets unlike the federal government. And that's a pretty good situation to have a 100% financial reserve product that's paying you 6% versus an FDIC, uh, backed bank CD, that where they've got a financial reserve requirement of 3 to 10%. Um, me personally, I would rather invest in a 100% financial reserve product. How about you?

Yeah, I agree.

With you, fjord. Uh, you know, like you said, you know, 100% principal protected your money safe. Um, you know, backed by reinsurers, backed by the states. Um, that they're issued in or the or that you're living in. And, uh, you know, if you compare to bank CDs. Sure. Are you going to find a 6% bank CD out there? Maybe. But you're going to have restrictions and you're, you know. It's a lot of times an introductory rate. Or maybe it's only 90 days. So, you know, rest assured here you can get 6% for three years and not have to pay taxes on that interest. Um, it creates a really great situation for anybody out there that is age 0 to 90, that own own CDs. This could be, uh, a good way to leverage higher rate and some tax benefits.

Yeah. So if you want to beat the Bank city rates out there and you want to get into 100% financial reserve product versus a 10% financial reserve product, I would encourage you to reach out to us at retirement results.com/plan. That's retirement results. Com forward slash plan or just visit retirement results and click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner. And you can also call us anytime in the office at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. If you want to go ahead and beat those bank CDs and get a little bit better rate with a much higher financial reserve requirement. Now, Josh, I also want to get an update on one of the products that you guys are with the forefront and developing this product, um, in conjunction with nationwide, and it's called the Nationwide Peak ten, and it's a ten year product, and they've got new rates and the participation rates have gone inched back up a little bit. Um, and I'd like to just kind of get an update on all the different features of that product, because a lot of people are calling us and calling our office to that product, and they're looking for the updates as well. So if you could just talk about what are what is the guaranteed simple interest that's running, what's the participation rate that you're seeing with Nationwide peak ten? And you're seeing some pretty healthy payout rates as well I believe. And also it's a mutual insurance company. It's not traded on the New York Stock Exchange or anything like that. So the shareholders of the policyholders of the policies within nationwide just give us some updates on what's going on with the nationwide peak ten fixed indexed annuity.

Yeah. Uh, the nationwide.

Peak ten indexed annuity, um, continues to be a leader in in a lot of important categories when you're looking for annuities. Um, so first and foremost, um, accumulation, it's solid for that, um, income being the secondary component. It's very strong for that. And if you're married, they have very strong joint income payouts. Um, and there's a lot of other benefits that, that we could talk about here a little later, but, um, but those are kind of your three things that we're looking at, you know, at 30,000 Foot View with this product. But, uh, it comes with a income rider option. It's, it's a 20% bonus that you get to your benefit base, and then you can defer income on this for up to ten years. And every year you defer, you earn an additional 8% to that benefit base until you finally turn that income on. Uh, and then you receive lifetime payments from there. Um, so that's one of the ways that that can grow. Um, the other way it can grow is with the, the different index options that you have to, to earn through your accumulation account value. And, and one of those is the BNP global H factor. Um, it's a really unique index. I think this year uh, over the last year it's been it's up double digits, maybe even close to 20%. Uh, yeah. That's great. Um, it's one of the few out there that's been performing, um, the last couple of years. So that's nice. And it's got a 340% participation rate if I didn't mention that. So, uh, we like that. Um, it does have some SMP strategies. You can, you can allocate to Alliancebernstein, JPMorgan, um, among others. Um, and still has a solid fixed rate at 4.55%.

Yeah. That's pretty pretty neat. So let's talk about that par rate just for a second. The participation rate. Well we in the industry call a par rate. So if it's 340% of how the index performs, that's 3.4 x of how it does. So let's say the index goes up 10% over the protection period, which in this case is is two years. But it probably would even double and be even higher, um, based on the performance of how it's performing right now. But let's just say for simple math, let's say it goes up 10%. So it would be 3.4 times 10%, which would be. Literally 34%, but less a 1% spread rate or spread fee, if you will. And that would mean a 33% growth on your money if the index goes up 10%. Is that correct?

That's right.

Yeah, that's a pretty exciting deal. And it's also nice because you've got that 8% simple interest growth on the benefit amount. That's pretty nice as well in case the index doesn't perform. But it has been performing also it's a volatile volatility index too. Is that right Josh. Where their goal is to try to deliver 8385 plus percent of the time a positive return in a given calendar year. Um, and so just talk a little bit about these volatility indexes and also how it's proprietary to the nationwide peak tent.


Um, I'll give you the highlights. I just did, uh, I just did a class on this. It was an hour just explaining, uh, how a low volatility index works. But basically you have multiple components. And in this case, it's, uh, it's global, so you'll have some commodities, you'll have some bonds, cash, um, and you'll have some equities. And whenever the market gets to a certain volatility point, you know, where the securities or the equities may not be as optimal, it's going to switch out into a commodity where it's going to switch out into into bonds or whatever, make whatever makes the most sense. And it's balancing this daily, um, you know, there's a computer algorithm that does that. And so what they've been able to do is kind of make a little bit more smooth return history with this. So you're not seeing the peaks and valleys. It's a little bit more consistent. And so it just to give you an idea over the last year it's it was up about 6.7%. Um, you compare that to the S&P. The S&P was up a lot more than that. But you have to remember you're not getting all of the S&P with most of these annuities where with this you're actually getting 340% of that you know 6%. And that's just one year. The strategy is two years. So, you know, it may be on track to do over 1,012%, right? Yeah.

With 300 with 340% less, a 1% spread rate. You're looking at, gosh, 1,920% on that six plus percent growth in that given year.


And so that's a pretty big deal on your money. And it's also great to get that kind of return without having your money being at risk. And in the financial markets too. Right. So again, also thanks so much, Josh, for being with us. I know you got to go, but um, when we get back from the break, we're going to talk about how you can get started on getting information, getting illustrations on any of these three products. We'll recap this conversation. And Josh, it's always great to have you back on retirement results, and we look forward to having you back next month as well. Yeah, thanks for having me forward. Look forward.

To it.

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And welcome back result drivers to retirement results. I'm Ford stokes, your chief financial advisor. Got Sam Davis, our senior financial advisor and co-host here on the show with us. Sam, what an incredible interview with Josh Lumi. It's great to learn about three different products, not just two. We got the update on the nationwide peak ten at the end there. We also heard about Geico, that guaranteed Income Life product. That was really interesting. I thought that was great, but you can get that high of a payout 9% for 75 year old. That's a lot higher than that 4% withdrawal rate. And so that's a good idea to take some of your the income portion of your portfolio and put it into something like that. And then we also talked about that CL life insurance product, um, that Sundance, the CL Sundance that's offering a 6% guaranteed fixed interest growth on your money over a three year period. With that three year mega. Pretty neat stuff. Yeah.

Well, it's just fantastic to have somebody like Josh Loomis and his expertise come on the show. Um, he and the team over at Vertical Vision are really part of our extended income planning team. And, you know, those products that he mentioned in the middle part of today's show really help address two primary concerns that we're addressing all the time with our prospects and clients who call off of the radio show and our television show as well. Uh, one is safe accumulation. A lot of people, you know, come to us and they say, hey, well, I've got this CD maturing coming up later this summer. And, you know, if you're looking for a better rate of return, but that safe accumulation, um, it's a better features as well. Definitely consider one of those options. And we're constantly taking a look at the latest rates and features and following these top rated life insurance companies. So we can bring those best safe accumulation options to our clients and prospects. And then addressing the income concern as well. The nationwide peak ten has been a fantastic tool for providing income for life and retirement. We've been talking about it for about a year now here on retirement results. And, um, the participation rate is up to 340%. And that just is another thing that makes it a fantastic income solution for anybody out there who is currently retired, just retired, or about to retire here in the coming few years.

Yeah. Also with that, the nationwide peak ten 340% participation rate. I would encourage everybody to consider, um, jumping on that now. And you ought to reach out to us at retirement results. Com um and click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner. You really want to get started on that because it's been as high as 350, but it was down to 330% just last month. And now it's up to 340. And you want to kind of lock in those. And also, if you want to schedule your complimentary retirement income consultation or your overall financial plan for your retirement, we can absolutely help you at no cost to you. All you got to do is reach out to us at (888) 814-0304. That's (888) 814-0304. And Sam, you've got some information about our inflation demonstration that you want to share.

Want to know where your hard earned money is going. It's time for an inflation demonstration.

Yeah. We talked a little bit about inflation during segment one with some of the latest CPI figures. But I have a couple updates that I'd like to bring to our result drivers listening to the show this weekend. And the first thing is a concern. A survey by Schroders found that 68% of retirees are worried about outliving their assets due to inflation. Remember, the fear of outliving your money is the top fear of retirees living in America today even more of a fear than death itself. Also, rising prices are taking a toll on retired Americans today, with 89% of survey respondents saying they're concerned about inflation reducing the value of their assets. And Ford, they're right because inflation really just reduces your buying power. And as you mentioned earlier in the show, it's a tax that we don't really get to vote on. Just a few strategies for protecting your buying power as you move forward. Do not rely solely on Social Security. That's likely not going to be sufficient for your income needs in retirement. You can always delay your Social Security benefits. Delaying benefits up to age 70 can increase your monthly benefits. And we talk a lot on this show about how we feel. You deserve a lot more than $0.70 on the dollar for what you've been paying into Social Security. So if you can get the most out of that money that you've been paying in, also shop the market for the right annuity for you that can provide a guaranteed income stream and also give you some safe accumulation.

Josh Leumi presented some great options for you in today's show, and then also consult with a financial professional. Working with a team like Ford and myself. We can really get that plan together to give you that peace of mind in retirement. And just one other update on inflation. Ford, before we start to wrap up the show, I'm sure a lot of our listeners have noticed, regardless of whether you're in Georgia or Alabama, some rising costs at the pump as school begins to let out for summer and all those family vacations begin. The national average for a gallon of gasoline this is just unleaded is 361 a gallon. That's $3.61 as your national average. If you look at the most expensive states California $5.28, Hawaii $4.80, and Washington State all the way up there in the northwest, $4.64 on average. Your least expensive states are Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, all of those between 300 and 7 a gallon and 312 a gallon. So national average, 361. We see this almost every year for it. As summer begins, people start going on those family vacations, maybe taking a little weekend trip out to the beach, and those gas prices are going to go up with the demand.

That's when the prices are inelastic, right? They you've got to go on on the trips anyway. So you've got to go ahead and spend that money. And I will tell you I've got a Roush Ford F-150. I love my my truck and and I have to put premium unleaded in there. And it was $4.08, um, at racetrack and I'm a member of racetrack and all that stuff, a rewards member. And I got to tell you, it was shocking because the last time I filled up was like in the three 80s and 408, $4.08. I mean, I'm I'm up $0.28. Um, from the last time I filled up, it feels like. And so that is that's a concern for everybody's budget. If you're curious about how you can beat inflation and you want to figure out ways to get the income that you're looking for, and also get a higher rate of income than of the typical 4% withdrawal rate, um, from your hard earned and hard saved assets. You want to also delete fees from your portfolio. You want to delete delete those advisory fees, the portfolio fees, and even the expense ratio within your portfolio for the income portion of your portfolio. I would encourage you to go out and reach out to us at 1-888-814-0304. That's 1-888-814-0304. And also retirement results. Com slash plan. That's retirement results.com/plan. It's the fight.

So let's recap what you may have missed. It's the final.

Countdown. The final countdown.

So on today's show we talked about inflation. We gave you the update that the consumer price index went up 0.3% higher than the previous month, which was down 0.1, um, lower than the previous month, which was at 0.4 in March. But it's still not great news. We're looking at 3.4% reported inflation, but according to John Williams with Shadowstats. Com it the real rate of inflation the way they used to measure it, um, in the Nixon years and prior, um, is actually closer to 14.1%. So that is a real concern. And, you know, retirees and pre-retirees are losing buying power with their retirement nest egg. So something to be of concern there. We also talked to Josh Lyman segments two and three about three different annuity products. One was from Geico which is a guaranteed life insurance company. And they've got a product that has got an incredible payout ratio and also has got a pretty nice fixed income, um, bucket in there as well. Uh, but you're able to get higher than that typical 4% rule with a 9% payout ratio. Then we also talked about a multi year guaranteed annuity offered by Co Life Insurance Company that offers a 6% three year mega. So it's going to pay you 6% interest compounded each of the next three years. That's a pretty great stuff. We also gave an update on the nationwide peak ten fixed indexed annuity that's offering now at 340% participation rate, an 8% simple interest guaranteed growth on your money, and then also a high payout ratio too.

So I would encourage you to reach out to us if you want to understand how you can replace the bonds in your portfolio with any of these fixed indexed annuities. And also, if you're looking to do better than what you've been doing with bank CD money with our beating Bank CDs, we'll work with you on that. See our life insurance product. Also want to give a shout out to Andrew, who's a regular listener to this show. And Andrew is going to purchase that co life insurance product here tomorrow. Um, he's scheduled with us last week. So wanted to say thanks Andrew for your support and also for listening to um retirement results here on the radio in the Georgia area. And. Listen. Just remember, if you're looking for retirement information, if you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Be aggressive about it. Try to get as much info as you can and reach out to us by visiting. Retirement results.com/plan. That's retirement results. Com forward slash plan. And we look forward to helping you protect and grow your hard earned and hard saved wealth and building that tax efficient, fee efficient and market efficient portfolio for you. Have a great week everybody.

Thanks for listening to retirement results. You deserve to work with an independent team of fiduciary advisors that will strategically work to protect and grow your hard earned assets. To schedule your complimentary financial consultation, call us now at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777. To connect with a qualified advisor. To learn more about our mission and our team, visit retirement Results.com Investment Advisory Services offered through Brookstone Capital Management, LLC, BCM, a registered investment advisor. Bcm, an active wealth management, are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCM, but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Past performance cannot be used as an indicator to determine future results. Registered investment advisors and investment advisor representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interest of our clients and to make full disclosure of any conflicts of interest, if any exist, please refer to our firm brochure, the ADV Two.a, page four, for additional information.

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