Reduce Risk, Not Returns: Smart Investing for Your Retirement

Ford Stokes & Sam Davis discuss some of the best-performing retirement investment options available today that allow you to eliminate substantial risk and fees from your retirement plan. Are you interested in deleting fees and creating more pension-like income for your retirement?

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Welcome to Retirement Results! Each week, Ford Stokes and his team of fiduciary advisors help educate pre-retirees, retirees and business owners on ways to better protect and grow their hard-earned money.

With $34 Trillion in national debt and counting, Ford and many other economists believe that taxes are likely to increase in the future, affecting retirees for decades to come. Ford and his team will help you build a smart plan that is TAX-efficient, FEE-efficient and MARKET-efficient.

final countdown

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Any examples used are for illustrative purposes only, and do not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and may not be suitable for all investors. It is not intended to predict the performance of any specific investment, and is not a solicitation or recommendation of any investment strategy.

Welcome to Retirement Results, the national radio show and podcast for listeners like you who want to protect and grow their hard earned money. In a world filled with so much uncertainty and financial risk, we seek to cut through the noise and build successful plans for hard working Americans on their road to financial freedom. Retirement results is powered by Active Wealth Management, a team of fiduciary advisors who always place your needs first. And now your host. He's a registered social security analyst, member of the Forbes Finance Council, and author of multiple books on retirement planning. Here's your chief financial adviser Ford Stokes.

And welcome result drivers. I'm Ford stokes, your chief financial adviser. I've got Sam Davis here with me on the mic. He's our co-host and senior financial advisor. And this is the Retirement Results radio show right here on Am 920. The answer. We're so glad to have brought this to you for over five years now. And our original show was called the Active Wealth Show. Retirement results has been going on for about a year now, and we're really excited. You can always visit us at retirement results. Com that's retirement results. Com you can also click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner. And we're happy to meet with you and help you understand fees. You're paying the risk you're taking with your current plan. And then we'll get started on our recommended plans as well. It's about a $1,500 value. We want to make sure that everybody's got all the information they need while we're heading into election season. It is election season right now. The polls are open in the state of Georgia. And, Sam, I'm just going to bring you in. Say hello to the folks.

Welcome to the weekend result drivers. And welcome back to the show presented by us here at Active Wealth Management. And you're right, for just weeks to go until Election Day, Georgia voters blew the record out of the water for most votes on day one of early voting. And so that means early voting is open now. And you can go to to find an early voting location near you and make sure you have a plan in place before November 5th or on Election Day to get that vote in.

Yeah, absolutely. So here's what we're going to talk about on today's show. We're going to talk about building your own retirement income plan. We've got some specific examples for you to consider. Um, we're also at the beginning of segment two. We're going to share Social Security's cost of living adjustment. What that is what the amount is, what it means to you for your own Social Security income. We've also got how Americans love pensions and how you can build your own pension if your employer doesn't offer a pension for you. So you can you can really build your own personal pension. Sam and I are going to talk about that on today's show and how to build a strong income plan, why you shouldn't count on just Social Security alone for retirement. And also, Sam, you've got a great financial wisdom quote of the week for everybody.

And now for some financial wisdom. It's time for the quote of the week.

Yeah. This week's quote of the week comes to us from.

Author and speaker David Bach. And it has to do with Social Security. And the quote goes like this. Social security was never intended to be a retirement plan. At most. It was designed to provide an income supplement. And I think this is a great quote, the perfect quote to kick off this week's show forward, because I hear from so many people that they have a retirement plan, but really all they have is there counting on Social Security? Maybe they have some money in an IRA. That alone does not constitute a retirement plan. There's a lot that goes into it. Preparing for risk, preparing for fees. You want to eliminate those where possible and having a tax plan in place as well, not to mention a legacy plan and all those other important things. So great quote to kick off this week's show, because Social Security itself is not a retirement plan.

No, you've got to have more of a plan than that. Hopefully you've been able to save and squirrel away some of the money that you've needed for retirement. It's one of those things where you need to be saving over time. It's not just, you know, be able to get one big check and and be okay. I hope you've been able to put money into your 4k, your IRAs, your 403 B's, your 457 seconds, and then also build a retirement income plan with it as well. With that, I want to talk about actual index performance with fixed index annuities for the rest of segment one if we can. Sam, I'm gonna let you talk about the nationwide peak ten Next. But first I want to talk about there's three products that we want to talk about about a bond replacement strategy. So when we talk about a bond replacement strategy, we're trying to replace the 40% of your portfolio, typical 6040 portfolio, 60% securities or stocks or ETFs and mutual funds try to avoid the mutual funds because they're a little bit expensive on a share fees and see see share fees and 12 b one fees. We would prefer you to invest in stocks and exchange traded funds with the security and the growth portion of your portfolio, so the stocks, the stock portion of your portfolio and then 40% are normally dedicated to bonds. And it's a 72 year old strategy that's headed towards 73 years.

As soon as the calendar turns over. In January, Harry Markowitz was given credit for being the founder of modern portfolio theory, which basically stated, you got 60% stocks and 40% bonds. Both traded on the same stock exchanges, you've got a chance to build an efficient investment frontier over time because the principle is as stocks lose value, money will rush out of stocks and go into bonds all traded in the same in the same exchanges. So it's a lot easier for the money to move from stocks to bonds. The problem is that's a 72 year old strategy. What we recommend is a new 60 over 40 portfolio that's safer. Here's why it's safer. Number one is you get 60% growth on stocks. That involves financial market risk. But it also gives you the growth that you need. And with risk comes growth. With risk comes return. But you've got to be careful about the income portion. So 40% instead of doing instead of investing 40% into stocks, why don't we invest 40% into fixed index annuities that are 100% financial reserve products? So they have to reserve 100% of the money you give them. You give them $100,000. They've got to put $100,000 into the ten year US Treasury, and then use the interest generated from those ten year US Treasury notes and have those generate interest. And then you can then take that interest money and invest into options in things like the Q-q-q, the S&P 500, the BNP Paribas Global H factor, and a lot of other different indices that we're going to talk about on today's show.

Now, I just said a mouthful, but what Sam and I want to do is walk you through three different products that are fixed index annuities. These are not variable annuities. We beg you to avoid variable annuities because of the fees and the risk that your money, your principal, will be put at risk because those are securities. What we're saying is take 40% of your portfolio, take 20 to 40% of your portfolio, and invest into fixed index annuities gets you the income that you need during retirement. Let the rest of your money grow without taking withdrawals, and if you need additional income, you can take 4% withdrawals on the rest of it. So here's the actual Performance with fixed index annuities. I'm going to take the first one. Sam's going to take the second one. I'm going to take the third. So the first one we're going to talk about today is the North American charter. Plus 1414 stands for 14 years. It's a 14 year product. It's a 14 year surrender period. And the surrender charges go down year over year. They also allow you to take up to 10% penalty free withdrawal any year that you want to take it.

They are rated by they're a they're a plus rated by Standard and Poor's and they're A+ rated by a m best. So it's a highly rated annuity and insurance carrier. It's a North American life insurance company. They offer an annuity called the Charter Plus 14 that has an index called the Fidelity Multifactor Index. And they're giving you 135% participation rate in that index. Well, that index over the last 12 months has generated 7.77% in actual growth. And if you take that times two years because I had a two year protection period. If it does the same as it did the year before, times the actual growth rate, the participation rate, you get a 20.979% growth over a two year period. That's over 10% a year. You also get an immediate 13% premium bonus to give you a total two year growth of 33.979% in the first two years, and that's actual performance over the last 12 months. We think that's pretty strong. What's interesting is that's the least growth of the three. We're going to talk about today. But that's still a very attractive growth rate. Sam, why don't you go ahead and share? Well, first of all, your thoughts on North American being a high, highly rated carrier and also the performance of the Fidelity Multifactor Index. And also, how great is it that the clients get 1.35 times how the performance is?

Yeah, we're going to give some great details on on these three different examples of a bond replacement strategy today. Um, this first one from North American is great. But like you said, it's it's the the least growth of the three that we're going to share. Um, and first I would explain to all the listeners out there, you know, why is it that people are investing in bonds, like you said, it's a it's a 70 plus year old strategy. It's worked very well. Or maybe I should say in recent years it's worked pretty well for a lot of people. But the reason why they want to invest in bonds is because, one, they need the income for retirement, and two, they want to take some risk off the table as they get older. But instead of investing in bonds, you can invest in a fixed index annuity. Take much more risk off the table. Because when you invest in bonds, you're still subject to interest rate risk because interest rates can change. We've just seen that very recently. And like you said, a 100% reserve requirement versus when you're buying a bond, you're essentially loaning money to whoever's selling the bond. Just a much safer strategy, something we feel more comfortable with a lot of our clients feel more comfortable with as well. And we've come to the end of segment one, but we want all of our listeners to retirement results to stick around, because we've got two more examples of this bond replacement strategy. And I think they're really going to want to hear these next two examples, because the first one from North American is great, fantastic product. But the next two you'll also want to hear about you're listening to retirement results. And we'll be right back.

Retirement results. We'll be right back to learn more and schedule your complimentary Complementary retirement consultation visit retirement

Well, I'm hot blooded. Check it and see.

You're listening to retirement results. And now back to the show.

Welcome back to retirement results. Result drivers I'm Fort Stokes, chief financial advisor. We've got Sam Davis here with us, our senior financial advisor and co-host on the show. He's been our co-host for over five years. So, Sam, we're talking about actual index performance with fixed index annuities and our new 60 over 40 portfolio strategy where you take 40% instead of putting it in bonds, you take 40% and put it into fixed index annuities. Now we do manage portfolios all the time. That's what we like to do. We use tactical asset allocation. We're not just annuity hawks over here, but it is a really good idea to get safer with your money. And right now, people that are taking a risk But some people are taking, you know, 80 over 20, where 80% are in stocks and and 20% are in is in bonds. That's an even bigger risk. You're taking financial market risk as well. And, you know, if you're 80 years old or you're 70 years old, is that really what you want to be doing? Because you don't want to have to go back to work to go re-earn the money. Right. To be able to provide for your lifestyle. So we're talking about the actual performance because a lot of people are like, okay, I see illustrations, it's great, but what does it actually what actually happens for it? Well, we just reviewed the North American Charter Plus 14.

And if you take the 7.77% growth over the last year with the Fidelity Multifactor Index and times, it times the 135% participation rate that is offered by North American today. And you take that times the two year growth, you're looking at 20.979%. But if you include the immediate 13% premium account value bonus that ends up being a 33.979% growth rate the first two years after you purchased the product. If it just does what it's done over the last 12 months, that's actual performance. That's not illustrated or estimated performance. That is, actual performance of 7.77% times 135% gets you a 20.979% growth over two years, which is over 10% a year, and then also gets you 33.979% when you include the 13% immediate premium slash account value bonus. Okay, now, Sam, I want you to share a product that we really like a lot comes from a carrier that we do a lot of work with, that we like them a lot. And that's a nationwide peak ten offered by nationwide. There's folks that are on your side. Nationwide is on your side. Go ahead and share all the great news about nationwide the ratings. Um, as a mutual insurance company, and also what are the what's the actual performance of that BNP global h factor index over the last 12 months?

Yeah, absolutely. Really happy that we're able to bring actual performance to all the listeners to retirement results this week, because it's strategies like this bond replacement with tools like these that really help give people the retirement results that they deserve. And for the nationwide peak, ten nationwide is rated A+ by both a m Best and Standard and Poor's A+ is, as you could expect, as good of a credit rating as you can get. And if you invest in the BNP Paribas Global Factor Index, so nationwide will allow you to choose your investment. The BNP Paribas Global H Factor Index is offering a 325% participation rate, so if you take that times, the 10.04% that that index has yielded over the last two years, that is 33.08% less, a 1% spread rate. That is the spread, essentially the fee that you are paying for the income rider. So you can turn this into an income stream that you can never outlive. That is 32.08% growth over two years. However, there's a 20% immediate income bonus, which would bring the actual performance of the nationwide peek ten over the last two years to just over 52%. And I think this is really important for us to be explaining today forward, because people think that when you do a bond replacement or when you invest in some of these smart, safe strategies and they safe money strategies that you're really going to sacrifice portfolio gains, that's why a lot of people just feel like they'd be better off leaving all of their money invested in the market and at risk, because they believe they're going to see better returns there. But with just this example here, just over 52% growth over the last two years with the nationwide peak ten. That doesn't seem like you're sacrificing much growth at all.

No, that's a really big deal. You're able to get market like gains and then some without any market risk. Um, so that's a big deal. I also want to be clear that the the bonus is an income bonus. That's the income account value that that which they will allow you to start taking money. And also your income goes up 0.1% each year if you're going to turn on income. But the peak ten is a really great hybrid product. It's a fixed index annuity. They invest 100% of your money into the ten year US Treasury. So your money is not invested into the market, but it is indexed linked to that BNP Paribas Global age factor index that's generated 10.04% over the last two years. You're looking at a of 325% participation rate, yielding a 33.08% less, a 1% spread rate. At a 32.0% growth over two years, plus, the 20% income bonus gives you 52.0% growth in the income value, um, over the first two years. Investors in the BNP Paribas Global Age Factor Index two years ago from today experienced 32.08% growth in the first two years they owned the product and the account value. But overall, the income value went. That income value account went up 52.08. And that's what you're allowed to start taking your money out when you turn on the income. So that's a lot to explain. But I will tell you this. The nationwide peak ten is delivering and it is delivering for clients. And we are proud to work with an A-plus rated carrier and also mutual insurance company like nationwide. They make money off of property and casualty.

They make money off of life insurance. They make money off of annuities that don't have to just make money off of the annuity. So they put a lot more money back into the product for the client, in my opinion. And I think they've done a really great job with this product also. Sam, you and I are fortunate to be only two of the 1% advisors that have access to this product, because this product was developed in conjunction with the MetLife. And you and I both worked with the Merrill Life before. So we're really fortunate that we've got access to this nationwide pick ten product. A lot of advisors don't. And if you want to get an understanding of how you can get a nationwide pick ten illustration and see how the nationwide Pick ten could perform with your money or a portion of your portfolio, I'd encourage you to reach out to us at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777. We're local here in Alpharetta, Georgia. We've also got an office in Midtown, an office in Kennesaw, and an office in Cartersville. So we're happy to help all parts of Atlanta. Uh, Sam, you live in Tucker, so you can take care of those folks that are in that Tucker Decatur area. Um, but we're here to help you protect and grow your hard earned and hard saved money. And that was the nationwide peak ten fixed index annuity. Sam, your last thoughts about the the nationwide peak ten before we move to this third and final actual index performance from a fixed index annuity company that we're really proud to partner with.

Yeah. I just wanted to mention that if you're out there listening to retirement results right now and you're currently working with an advisor, and your advisor is not bringing options like this to the table, there's a couple main reasons for that. One of them, Ford, you just mentioned only 1% of advisors have access to the nationwide peak ten, so they simply don't have it available for you to include as part of your plan. But also, your advisor is likely looking to manage more of your money. When you implement a bond replacement like this, you effectively delete the fees, the advisory and portfolio fees from that percentage of your portfolio, meaning that your advisor has less of your money to manage and less fees to charge you. So they're probably just telling you to hang in there, keep more of your money invested in the market. We feel like each one of these examples we've shared, two of them already, are great options for you to take some risk off the table. Establish that pension like income for your retirement, and if you've enjoyed the gains that you've experienced invested in the market over the past decade or so, then this allows you to feel a lot safer knowing that that income portion of your retirement is covered.

Gotcha. So we are well said, Sam. I completely agree. And listen, if you've got questions like, I don't know what's going on with the election, I've got questions about Social Security, I don't know what my income is going to be. Um, what's going on with with everything? How can I reduce the fees? How can I reduce the risk? How can I generate the income I'm going to need in retirement? I would encourage you to pick up the phone and give us a call at (770) 685-1777 or visit retirement That's retirement And we will go ahead and get started on your financial plan right away. You just got to put your information in and we'll reach out to you and get started on on your portfolio analysis, financial plan, RSA roadmap, which is which is a Social security maximization report. And we'll go from there. Listen, we promised in segment two we would talk about the cost of living Social Security. We also talked about we would share all three of our fixed index annuity. Actual performance. Um, the problem is we have run out of time in segment two. Come back for segment three. We're going to talk about this third fixed index annuity. And we're going to share what is the cost of living adjustment from Social Security for 2025. That just came out this past week. You're listening to retirement results right here on Am 920. The answer?

Learn more at Retirement results. Com or by calling us today at (770) 685-1777.

Fixed annuities, including multiyear guaranteed rate annuities, are not designed for short term investments and may be subject to restrictions, fees and surrender charges as described in the annuity contract. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims paying ability of the issuer. Any bonuses mentioned may be subject to additional restrictions and regulations based on the offering. Annuity company You may not receive the bonuses if the contract is fully surrendered, or if traditional annuity payments are taken, and if the policy is partially surrendered, it could result in a partial loss of bonuses. Because these are bonus annuities, they may include higher surrender charges, longer surrender charge periods, lower caps, higher spreads, or other restrictions that are not included in similar annuities that don't offer a bonus feature.

While Washington's spending keeps growing, your retirement doesn't have to shrink, protect, and grow your hard earned money today by calling us at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777 to connect with a qualified advisor.

And welcome back result drivers I'm Fort Stokes, your chief financial advisor I've got Sam Davis here with us. He's our senior financial advisor and co-host on the show. We've been doing this show for over five years. Our original show was called the Active Wealth Show. Retirement result is powered by Active wealth management. We haven't gone anywhere. We just changed the name of the show because we like generating results for our folks that are looking to build a successful retirement. And what better way to say it than retirement results? We're here to deliver real results for you. And Sam, what you and I are talking about today is we're talking about actual index performance with real fixed index annuities that we offer at Active Wealth Management that are part of our 40% bond replacement of people's portfolio into fixed index annuities. And what actually comes about. And it far outpaces what bond portfolios have been delivering. And we've talked about the North American charter plus 14 that delivered when you include the 13% immediate premium bonus that goes into the account value that vests over the life of the product is a 33.979% growth rate in the first two years of owning the product, for the people that have owned it.

Number two, we talked about the nationwide peak ten. You gave us those details on that. So 32.08% account value growth. But the income value grew by 52.08% because they got a 20% income value bonus. And there is a difference between an account value bonus and an income value bonus. But it is nice. The income value account is the one that actually they will give you the income from. So let's say you're you're 65 years old and you get 5.1% of your income value, and that goes up 0.1% a year. You really want that income value to be as high as possible, for sure, especially if you're going to stick with the product and have it generate your own personal pension. Now those are two incredible. Almost too good to be true. They seem too good to be true type of performances. But that's actually what's happening, folks. I mean, that's that's the type of actual growth you're seeing now, Sam, let's talk about a speeder. I'm on before I go on and before I go on. Sam. Can you go ahead? Just any last thoughts on the North American charter plus 14 and the nationwide peak ten. And just that bond replacement strategy into either one of those products?

Yeah, I just think that for any of the pre-retirees or early retirees out there, if you haven't taken some risk off the table, meaning if you haven't kind of divested some of your portfolio out of the market and into one of these solutions that allows you to achieve those market like gains with principal protection, now is a great time to do that. We've already experienced so much uncertainty this year with everything that's going on in the world, the election, we still don't know what's going to happen there yet, and I just think it's a great time. You could also think about interest rates, how those have changed and if interest rates continue to decline, then rates aren't really going to get much better than what they're at currently right now. And I just think it's a great time to come in and see us, you know, pick up the phone and give us a call. We can show you all of your options. You know, we don't have a preference for any particular annuity company out there. We bring you the best options based on the credit rating, because we only work with highly rated carriers out there and the ones that have been performing the best, which is why we're bringing you this actual performance today.

Okay. This third and final product we're going to talk about is the SPDR Synergy Choice Bonus. And the SPDR is a highly rated carrier. They're a minus rated by a m best and Standard and Poor's. They offer an incredible index link that I just love. And I know you do too. Sam. I know this is an index. You personally, you and your wife personally invest in with her. Ira, the Invesco Q-q-q. If we see ads for Invesco Q-q-q during March Madness, we see them all over the place. The Invesco Q-q-q over the last two years has generated 83.57% in actual growth. And the speed is giving you. And it's spelled Aspida. They're giving you a 90% participation rate in how that index does. So you get 90% of the growth of the Invesco Q-q-q, with 0% of the risk in the market fluctuation. The market volatility. So if you take 83.57% times 0.9, you get a 75.213% growth over the past two years. That's actual performance. Plus the folks that invested two years ago and also today, if you want to, you can get a 10% immediate premium bonus. Which results in a 85.213% growth in the first two years into the account value. Now, the bonus will vest over the life of the annuity during the surrender period of ten years. But goodness gracious. How'd you like to invest in a fixed index annuity? Not take risk and get 85.213% growth based on the performance of the index? That's the actual performance of the Invesco Q-q-q over the last two years. Sam, I know this one's really close to your heart. It's something you really believe in. Your thoughts on the SPDR Synergy Choice Bonus and offering a 90% participation rate in the Invesco Q, Q, Q index?

Yeah. I would just say for anybody out there who has maybe been considering a bond replacement Placement option, or looking at fixed indexed annuities to establish that pension like income. But maybe they're hesitant because they don't want to sacrifice those gains that they've experienced being invested in the market, being able to enjoy 90% of the growth of the Q-q-q with 100% principal protection and a 100% reserve requirement, that is an incredibly attractive option for a portion of your portfolio. I mean, take that risk off the table, but but still be able to experience those market like gains. I think the SPDR is a great thing to consider. Along with the North American and the nationwide. All three of these are great options, and we'd love to show you what each of these would look like if established in your portfolio.

Yeah, the best way to to get in touch with us to try to discuss building your own personal pension, getting these, this type of significant growth on your money without taking risk on your money with fixed index annuities and replacing the bond portion of your portfolio, or the income portion of your portfolio. With fixed index annuities, they've got 100% financial reserve requirement with the money you give them, which is really good considering the FDIC only has a 10% financial reserve requirement. All you got to do is reach out to us at (770) 685-1777. Again (770) 685-1777. Or you can visit retirement That's retirement And we're happy to work with you. Also if you just want to schedule a consultation you just go to retirement results. Com and click that schedule a consultation button in the upper right corner. Same is true if you want to visit Active Wealth. Com you can click that schedule a consultation but in the upper right corner as well. Active wealth. Com is the corporate website. It's our company's website and retirement is the radio show's website, so that was a lot to unpack. We've got just like three minutes left in this segment, and we want to go ahead and share the Social Security cost of living adjustment. But I gotta tell you, I feel like the last two segments that we've done are two of the most important segments we've done on this show ever, because it shows the actual performance of fixed indexed annuities. That that's really remarkable. I want to make sure that people understand that you really can't get real growth with fixed indexed annuities if you're linked to the right indexes. Sam, go ahead and share the update that has come in this past week from the Social Security Administration regarding the cost of living adjustment this year.

Absolutely. Social security recipients are going to be receiving a raise, albeit a small raise, for 2025. The Social Security Administration announced that the cost of living adjustment for next year will be 2.5%. Again, that's 2.5%, the lowest increase since 2021. Last year, it was 3.2% because inflation has cooled according to the metrics that they use to measure inflation in Washington, DC. The Cola has been reduced to 2.5%. Now, it wasn't that long ago. In 2020, three, beneficiaries saw an 8.7% increase. That was the largest since the 1980s. And for now, we're looking at the smallest increase for recipients in four years. Um, if you are currently receiving Social Security, this will apply to your 2024 payment in December. But because Social Security pays checks in the month after they're due, you're not going to see that new amount reflected until January 2025. That 2.5% 5% increase is going to be different for everybody, but it's about $50 extra per month for the average Social Security recipient out there. Um, Colas are supposed to help Social Security maintain your your buying power over time and kind of help curb inflation. The Senior Citizens League, which is an advocate group, announced that Social Security has lost about 20% of its buying power since 2010. So even though we're getting these small cost of living adjustments, that buying power is still definitely at risk. And if you're out there with questions about Social Security, interested in maximizing your Social Security and making good decisions about your benefits, it'd be a very good idea to get in touch with us. Ford Stokes. My co host and our chief financial advisor here at Active Wealth Management is a registered social security analyst. And Ford, we're coming up on another break. Again we've just got so much information to share in this week's show, but I know you've got some more Social Security related information for the folks right when we come back from the break. Follow retirement results. Wherever you listen to podcasts, you can listen to it anytime, anywhere, pause, rewind, and and get any of that important information that we've shared today. Retirement results. We'll be right back.

Thanks for listening to retirement results. Schedule your complimentary financial consultation now at retirement

Saying all the things that I know you'll like making good conversation. I got a.

Miss. Part of today's show Retirement Results is available wherever you listen to podcasts and online at retirement

And welcome back result drivers. I'm Fort Stokes chief financial advisor. Got Sam Davis here with us on the show. He's our senior financial advisor and co-host of the show. And again, we're always thrilled to bring retirement results to our listeners. Thanks for being a result driver. Thanks for really listening to the show, but also want to thank each and every one of you in advance for just reaching out to us to get started on your own free portfolio analysis financial plan. It's a $1,500 value. What's interesting is we've had a few other folks have come in. They're like, you know, actually people are charging $2,500 for to do what you do, and they don't even provide the registered Social Security analyst help in the RSA roadmap and that Social security maximization report that you provide. So it's probably an even bigger value than just $1,500. I think it's 2500 plus, maybe even up to as much as $3,000. We're going to give that to you all for free. We just want to get you on the path to a successful retirement. All you got to do is reach out to us at 6851777 or you can visit retirement So we were talking about Social Security. Yes, I am a registered Social security analyst. There's only like 15 of us in the state of Georgia. We're very proud to be able to offer that service to our prospects and clients. And a strong income plan starts with a sound Social Security decision.

Look, you've contributed to Social Security your entire working life, but it's important to make the right decisions to maximize your benefits. We like to see people trying to make it to their full retirement age. Sometimes it's just not possible because there's too much withdrawal requirements, what they've got. But taking Social Security benefits too early will mean that you'll receive like $0.70 on the dollar if you take it at 62.5 each month during your retirement years. Waiting until your full retirement age may be the best bet for you, so you can get that maximum monthly benefit if you want to go all the way to 70 years old. Look, a lot of our folks are high net worth folks who recommend that they try to make it to 70 years old because they it doesn't matter to them on the withdrawals. Um, folks that have got over like two, 3 million plus a lot of those folks choose to make it to 70 years old. The our average client is right around 2 million. But listen, if you've got $500,000 of investable personal assets and you've got a potential Social Security income that you can generate, it's probably really important to you that you get the right type of planning. And I'm happy to do that. We're happy to help you. Sam and I are here to help you also, it's great to have Sam working with us because I, you know, I'm in my 50s, but Sam and I'm going to keep working well over the next 20 years.

But I will say Sam is young and he's in his late 20s, and so he's going to be around in case I get hit by a bus or he's going to be around for a long time as well. We've also got other advisors like Jacob Tompkins, Matt McClure, Carol little, um, Brandi Seats and others, and even Diana Stokes on the retirement income side. Uh, my wife and she works with a lot of health care folks. If you're in healthcare and you're concerned about what's going on with retirement, you can reach out to us, we'll get you in touch with Diana, and she can help you also. Jacob Tompkins is a registered nurse as well, so those two can really help you on if you're in healthcare and really help you understand what's going on with your retirement, I would encourage you to reach out to us at (770) 685-1777. But here's a retirement planning tip regarding Social Security. You want to find ways to supplement your Social Security when you retire. If you decide to take your funds early and need additional cash to cover your expenses when you feel more comfortable. If you had two more income sources in retirement, that would include Social Security and your own personal pension. This approach allows the rest of your portfolio to grow without downward pressure of regular and consistent withdrawals. It also gives you the freedom to spend your retirement income checks each month.

We don't want you to live that just in case. Retirement. Hey, I'm just going to not spend this money just in case. We really want you to enjoy your retirement. And you know, if you're holding off joining the country club so you can play golf and stay active, that impacts your health. If you're if you're holding off and you don't want to go do that Viking River cruise in Europe, or you don't want to go to Alaska and and go on a great cruise or, or you want to go out west and go hunt for elk and mule deer. All those things keep you active and help you stay active and and lengthen your life. If you want to, if you're holding off getting that lake house so you can spend more time with your friends and family on your turf, then that's something we can help you accomplish. Just gotta look at your budget. Go ahead and reach out to us at (770) 685-1777 or visit. Retirement All right, Sam, I'm going to ask you for a special version of our final countdown. I'm going to ask you to share the actual index performance recap with fixed index annuities, because we've got like four minutes left in the in the show. And I want to make sure that we're covering this because I think it's one of the most important pieces of information that we've shared on this show in the last five years. It's the final.

Countdown. So let's recap what you may have missed. It's the final countdown.

The final countdown. Well, first off, Ford, you know, just appreciate what you're able to do for our clients and all of our listeners as a registered Social Security analyst, helping them get the answers to all their Social Security questions, because there's just so many different decision points and questions that people have. You know, if they're married, they not only need to figure out the timing of when to take their benefits, but when their spouse should take their benefits as well. And you're able to show them on one page, you know, with both spouses, you know what that income would look like depending on the decision. And it's just it's very helpful for all of our existing clients and our listeners. But as part of this final countdown, we wanted to recap some of that FIA performance, this actual index performance with fixed index annuities. If you're looking to supplement your retirement income with some pension, like income, and take some of that risk off the table. We first talked about the North American Charter plus 14 A+ rated by both S&P and Am best. The Fidelity Multifactor Index performed 7.77%. You get 135% participation rate in that one, which is 20.9% 9% growth. You also get a 13% immediate premium bonus, which equals 33.9% growth over that first two years with the North American charter plus 14. The second one we mentioned nationwide. That's right. Nationwide is on your side with the nationwide Peek ten, uh, A+ rated by a m best and S&P.

The BNP Paribas Global Factor Index is a offering that nationwide peek ten has as one of its indexes. That is allowing up to a 325% participation rate. If you take the 10.04% performance over the last two years on that one, that comes out to 33.08% less, a 1% spread rate, three 32.08% and a 20% income bonus equals 52% growth over the first two years. That's taking a look at the recent actual performance from the nationwide peak ten. And the last option we wanted to share with people is the Aspida Synergy Choice Bonus, which is giving you a 90% participation rate in the Invesco Q-q-q. So if you just take a look at how the Q-q-q has done over the last two years, 83.57% and 90% participation rate would give you 75.2% growth over that two year period, plus a 10% premium bonus equaling 85.2% growth over that first two years, and so forth. Um, if anybody is is interested in any of these options, all they have to do is reach out to us here at Active Wealth Management and Retirement Results, the number to call is (770) 685-1777, and the website to visit is Retirement Results. Com if you'd like to learn more about what we do you can always visit Active Wealth. Com as well.

Yeah it's just so important. So many people are like, well, fixed index annuities. Are they high in fees? They're not. They actually you don't have any advisory or portfolio fees because we as advisors can't double dip. We get paid a commission by the annuity company or the life insurance company, but we do not charge advisory portfolio fees. There may be income writer fees on it, but it's not like variable annuities that are high in fees and also involve market risk. Avoid variable annuities, but consider fixed index annuities. And we would encourage you to consider these three different fixed index annuities offered by North American, nationwide and SPDR. All highly rated carriers. Just reach out to us at retirement or call us at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777. Remember, if you're seeking information about retirement, if you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Be aggressive as possible. Go ahead and reach out to us at (770) 685-1777. And we'll get started right away on your financial plan. We're going to talk more about how to build a smart retirement plan for your financial future, and your successful retirement on retirement results next week. Have a great week everybody, and get out and vote and vote Donald J. Trump to be the 47th president of the United States.

Thanks for listening to retirement results. You deserve to work with an independent team of fiduciary advisors that will strategically work to protect and grow your hard earned assets. To schedule your complimentary financial consultation, call us now at (770) 685-1777. That's (770) 685-1777. To connect with a qualified advisor. To learn more about our mission and our team, visit retirement Investment advisory services offered through Brookstone Capital Management LLC, a registered investment advisor and active wealth management are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCA, but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Past performance cannot be used as an indicator to determine future results. Registered investment advisors and investment advisor representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interest of our clients and to make full disclosure of any conflicts of interest, if any, exist. Please refer to our firm brochure, the ADV Two-a, page four for additional information.

About. Registered Investment advisors and investment advisor representatives act as fiduciaries for all of our investment management clients. We have an obligation to act in the best interest of our clients and to make full disclosures of any conflicts of interest. Please refer to our firm brochure, the ADV Two-a item four for additional information.

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